Monday, February 13, 2006

How it contributes to our success or failure.Frankly, I'm feeling pretty annoyed today.I just got an email from someone who sent me an angry email demanding to know why they hadn't made any money from Affiliate Marketing yet. They had sign-up in an Affiliate Program several weeks ago.I replied by asking what they had done to promote the Affiliate Program.I bet you can guess what they had done.Nothing. Nada. Zip. Hadn't lifted a finger. Hadn't run an ad. Hadn't done a bless-ed thing. And he wasn't going to "waste money and time" on eBooks and courses.And he was mad at me?Hey, guess what. Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. And anybody with any sense at all knows that. If you don't market, you have no right to expect money to come out the other end. Nowhere on my Website did I promise to make him rich without effort. Because I can't. It would be a lie.I'm going to let you in on a secret. There are no magic web sites or business oppor-tunities that, for a low one-time or monthly fee, will start automatically pumping tons of money into your bank account.Oh sure, we've all seen lots of sites that promise that. But really, how could that possibly be true? If an owner of a web site ever developed a fool-proof system, why would they share it with you or me? They'd be stupid to do that.There ain't no such thing as a fr/ee lunch, on the web or anywhere else.An Affiliate Marketing Home Business is just what it implies.It may be on the internet,but to be successful you must put fourth the same time and effort as if it was any off-line businessHey,just you know - Affiliate Marketing is the ideal Home Business.It's low-cost and low-mainteance,but the less capital you put in it,the more time you will need to spend to make Affiliate Marketing your successful Home Business opportunityYour success is your responsibility. Not mine and not anyone else's. And I thank God that I live in a country that allows that statement to be true. It's what made Amer ica a great country. And that attitude is what makes all successful people tick.Another thing that bothered me about this guy was his unwillingness to invest time and money in learning his business.Now I'm not saying learning all this is easy. Sitting in front of the TV is easy - this requires some thought, effort and dare I say, work.But - I will readily admit that it is a lot easier to learn and perform in this business than most others.I've always said that investing in your own brain is the most valuable way possible to spend your money. (And it's a pretty sad thing if you don't think so.)So, to that random guy out there, and anyone else wondering why they aren't making money, take a good look in the mirror. Are you promoting the product or waiting for cash to fall from the sky?We are all responsible for our own success. And I thank God, our country and the soldiers who have fought for our freedom that this is so.And by the way,the best Affiliate Programs are "FREE" to join